
『Modern JAPANESE LITERATURE』:ドナルド・キーン監修

ドナルド・キーン翻訳の太宰治の『ヴィヨンの妻』は、ドナルド・キーン監修の『Modern JAPANESE LITERATURE』(近代日本文学)に収録されていた。

『Modern JAPANESE LITERATURE』は1956年に発行で、海外に日本文学を紹介した英文の本です。私はKindle版で購入しましたが、ペーパーバックだとかなりの厚さではないでしょうか。多くの外国人が翻訳に携わっていて、ボリュームがすごい。

1971年(明治四年)発行の『THE BEEFEATER by Kanagaki Robun』(仮名垣魯文の『安愚楽鍋』)から、1949年(昭和24年)発行の『OMI』(三島由紀夫の『仮面の告白』までの、約80年間のおもな小説、近代漢詩、近代俳句、近代短歌、近代詩の全文、または抜粋した翻訳が34編収録されている。小説家にはもちろん夏目漱石、森鴎外、芥川龍之介なども含まれています。




Dazai Osamu, a member of a rich and influential family, was widely known during his lifetime, particularly to the younger generation, for his dissipation and excesses. His writings are autobiographical at least to the extent that we find in most of them the personage of a dissolute young man of good family, but Dazai was also gifted with a fertile imagination. His celebrity as a writer came after the war, with such stories as “Villon’s Wife” and the novel The Setting Sun.







I set out aimlessly and found myself walking in the direction of the station. I bought a bun at an outdoor stand and fed it to the boy. On a sudden impulse I bought a ticket for Kichijoji and got on the streetcar. While I stood hanging from a strap I happened to notice a poster with my husband’s name on it. It was an advertisement for a magazine in which he had published a story called “François Villon.” While I stared at the title “François Villon” and at my husband’s name, painful tears sprang from my eyes, why I can’t say, and the poster clouded over so I couldn’t see it.

I got off at Kichijoji and for the first time in I don’t know how many years I walked in the park. The cypresses around the pond had all been cut down, and the place looked like the site of a construction. It was strangely bare and cold, not at all as it used to be. I took the boy off my back and the two of us sat on a broken bench next to the pond. I fed the boy a sweet potato I had brought from home. “It’s a pretty pond, isn’t it? There used to be many carp and goldfish, but now there aren’t any left. It’s too bad, isn’t it?” I don’t know what he thought. He just laughed oddly with his mouth full of sweet potato. Even if he is my own child, he did give me the feeling almost of an idiot.


