
It has already been half a year since we rented a small house on the outskirts of Kofu city and began writing unprofitable novels. In early June, the fierce summer heat characteristic of the basin surrounding the town gradually set in. As someone born in the north country, I was astonished by its merciless heat, which felt like it was boiling from the bowels of the earth. While sitting at my desk, the world before my eyes suddenly became dark, a sign of dizziness. It was my first experience losing consciousness due to summer heat. Meanwhile, my wife had been troubled with prickly heat all over her body. Fortunately, there was a hot spring town called Yumura near Kofu city. As I heard its hot-spring water had highly specific benefits for skin diseases, I allowed her to go to Yumura.

私と対角線を為す湯槽の隅に、三人ひしとかたまって、しゃがんでいる。七十くらいの老爺、からだが黒くかたまっていて、顔もくしゃくしゃ縮小して奇怪である。同じ年恰好の老婆、小さく瘦せていて胸が鎧扉のようにでこぼこしている。黄色い肌で、乳房がしぼんが茶袋を思わせて、あわれである。老夫婦とも、人間の感じでない。きょろきょろして、穴にこもった狸のようである。 あいだに、孫娘でもあろうか、じいさんばあさんに守護されているみたいに、ひっそりしゃがんでいる。そいつが、素晴 らしいのである。きたない貝殻に附着し,そのどすぐろい貝殻に守られている一粒の真珠である。私は、ものを横眼で見 ることのできぬたちなので、そのひとを、まっすぐに眺めた。十六、七であろうか。十八、になっているかも知れない。 全身が少し青く、けれども決して弱ってはいない。大柄の、ぴっちり張ったからだは、青い桃実を思わせた。
In the furthest corner of the bath, three people are sitting very close together with me. An older man, around seventy years old, looks quite unusual. His body is like a hardened black block, and his face is covered in deep wrinkles. An elderly woman, also around seventy, has a pitiful figure, small and thin. Her chest waves bumpy like a louver door, and her skin is dull yellow. Her breasts look like shrinking tea bags, and they both appear inhuman. They are looking around restlessly like raccoons in a hole.Between them sits a girl who must be their granddaughter. She is sitting quietly, as if guarded by her grandparents. She is a splendid girl, like a beautiful drop of pearl sticking to a dirty oyster. She seems to be protected by a blackened shell. I have a nature not to look sideways, so I look at her straight. She appears to be sixteen, seventy, or just eighteen. Her whole body is a little blue, but she never looks weak. Her large and tight body looks like a green peach.
老夫婦が、たからものにでも触るようにして、背中を撫でたり、肩をとんとん叩いてやったりする。この少女は,どうやら病後のものらしい。けれども、決して瘦せてはいない。清潔に皮膚が張り切っていて、女王のようである。 老夫婦にからだをまかせて、ときどきひとりで薄く笑っている。 白痴的なものをさえ私は感じた。すらと立ちあがったとき、私は思わず眼を見張った。 息が、つまるような気がした。素晴らしく大きい少女である。五尺二寸もあるのではないかと思われた。見事なのである。コーヒー茶碗一ぱいになるくらいのゆたかな乳房、なめらかなおなか、 ぴちっと固くしまった四肢、ちっとも恥じずに両手をぶらぶらさせて私眼の前を通る。可愛いすきとおるほど白い小さい手であった。
The elderly couple gently stroked her back and tapped her shoulders, treating her like a precious gemstone. Despite her appearance suggesting she may have been recovering from an illness, she was not too thin and had fresh, clean skin akin to that of a queen. She surrendered herself to their care and occasionally smiled to herself, even appearing somewhat foolish at times. When she suddenly stood up, I was taken aback by her height – she was a tall girl, standing at around 155cm. Her body was stunning, with breasts ample enough to fill a coffee cup, a smooth belly, and slim, toned arms and legs. She walked past me confidently, swaying her hands. Her hands were small, pretty, and a clear white color.