翻訳勉強を始める前に、まず課題に選んだ原文をタイプする。「草枕」はタイプするのに時間がかかる。ワープロで漢字がなかなか出てこない。日本語も100年経つと変わっているんだな、と思いながら漢字源を引いたりしている。夏目漱石はどうしてこんな文章が書けるのだろう。「見逃さない感性」、それを「表現できる語彙」かな? どちらもなかったらお手上げです。よく見て、苦しみながら言葉を探す。俳句かな?などとタイプしながらできそうもないことを考えている。
There is a sudden roar. Then all the mountain trees resound. Just at the moment, we look at each other unconsciously. The camellia arranged in a small vase sways unsteadily.
「Earthquake!」She cries in a low voice, and breaking her knees, leans on my desk. Each of our bodies with swings almost touching. One pheasant, crying and flapping sharply, comes out of the bushes.
Seeing the outside from the window, I say ”It was a pheasant.”
She says “where?” And bends her body closer to me. My face and her face move closer to touching. The woman’s breathing through her tiny nostril touches my mustache.
But immediately she sits up straight and said firmly “You’re heartless.”
I reply promptly “Of course.”
The water, filling the depressions in the garden rocks, is frightened and swaying slowly. As it is moved from the bottom of the water, only the surface describes an irregular curve. There is not any broken wave on it.If there is a word which means “moving harmoniously”, it may be useful in this situation. Wild cherries which cast their shadows on the water, alter its shape, getting longer and shorter, bending and twisting, but how they change, they keep the shape of cherry. It is very interesting.